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Development environment setup

We welcome contributions from the community. This guide will help you get started with your development environment.

Using Gitpod

The fastest way to get started is using Gitpod. With a single click, you can start a fully functional development environment with all the tools you need already pre-installed.

Open in Gitpod

This will start a workspace with all the dependencies installed and instances of the API Server, Front Office, and Widget running. The workspace should automatically open the Front Office, Widget, and the Mailhog UI. If not, you can open them manually by going to the Ports tab and clicking on the Open Browser button.

⚠️ We have an outstanding issue to make calls using this setup

Local setup


Once you have the prerequisites installed, you can clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone
cd goodtok
npm install
npm run build

Running the project

To run the project, you need to start the dependencies services, then the backend, and finally the frontend and Widget.

Starting the dependencies

docker-compose -f compose.yaml -f up peerjs postgres mailhog adminer -d

The previous command will start the services in the background. If you want to see the logs, you can remove the -d flag.

It is important to highlight that any emails sent by the application will be intercepted by Mailhog. You can access the Mailhog UI at http://localhost:8025.

To stop the services, run:

docker-compose -f compose.yaml -f down

Starting the API Server

Before starting the backend you need to initialize the database and create a .env file.

First, initialize the database by running the following command:

npm run db:migrate

Then, copy the .env.example file to .env and update the values accordingly.

You will need to update the CLOAK_ENCRYPTION_KEY variable with a new key from Cloak.

Finally, you can start the backend by running:

npm run start:apiserver

Starting the Front Office

To start the Front Office, run:

npm run start:frontoffice

Starting the Widget

To start the Widget, run:

npm run start:widget

By default we create a Goodtok Workspace and the Widget will connect to it. When you open the Widget, you might see it is offline. That means that the Workspace is disabled or you are outside the hours of operations. You can change that by going to the Workspace settings and enabling it.