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Deploy with Docker

Docker compose is the easiest way to deploy a self-hosted instance of Goodtok. This guide will walk you through the process of deploying the Goodtok services using Docker and Docker Compose.


The only prerequisite for Goodtok is to have Docker installed on the host machine.


First, create a new directory in your preferred location and change to that directory. For this guide, we will use the directory goodtok in the home directory.

mkdir goodtok
cd goodtok

Next, create a .env file with the following content:

# General config

# Initial store owner credentials
# The server will create a new owner if the email does not exist
# Goodtok will the password if the email exists

# PeerJs Server config
# Ucomment to use custom ICE servers
# ICE_SERVERS_CONFIG='[{"urls": ""}, {"urls": "", "username": "xirsys", "credential": "xirsys"}]'

# SMTP config
SMTP_SENDER=Goodtok Info <info@goodtok.local>

# Database and encryption config

# Uncomment to enable custom email templates
# See mods/apiserver/src/notifications/templates for available templates
# If not set, the default templates will be used
# EMAIL_TEMPLATES_DIR=/path/to/email/templates

Few important things to note:

  • Please be sure to update all secrets with your own values
  • The API_ENDPOINT must be the URL where the API will be accessible. For example, if you are running the application locally, you can use http://localhost:6789/v1. If you are running the application on a server, you can use, for example,
  • The APP_URL must be the URL where the application will be accessible. For example, if you are running the application locally, you can use http://localhost:8080. If you are running the application on a server, you can use, for example,
  • The SIGNALING_HOST must be the URL where the signaling server will be accessible. For example, if you are running the application locally, you can use localhost. If you are running the application on a server, you can use, for example,
  • The SIGNALLING_PORT must be the port where the signaling server will be accessible. For example, if you are running the application locally, you can use 9000. If you are running the application on a server, you can use, for example, 443
  • You must point your SMTP variables to a valid SMTP server
  • Goodtok will use the OWNER_EMAIL and OWNER_PASSWORD variables to create the first user. The server will create a new owner if the email does not exist. Goodtok will update the password if the email exists. You can use any email address and password for this purpose.
  • The CLOAK_ENCRYPTION_KEY must be a valid encryption key. You can use Cloack to generate a new key.
  • Uncomment the ICE_SERVERS_CONFIG variable to enable ICE servers. You can use Xirsys to get a free account.

Finally, run the following command to start the application:

curl -o ./compose.yaml
docker compose up -d

The previous command will start all the services, including the Front Office. You can then open the application at http://localhost:8080 and access the dashboard.

Securing the application

Comming soon...

Custom Email Templates

Goodtok use handlebars to render email templates. You can customize the templates by setting the EMAIL_TEMPLATES_DIR variable to the path where your templates are located. The following templates are available:

The inviteExistingUserTemplate.hbs and inviteNewUserTemplate.hbs templates are used to send invitations to users. The inviteExistingUserTemplate.hbs template is used when the user already exists in the system. The inviteNewUserTemplate.hbs template is used when the user does not exist in the system.

If a template is not set at the path specified by the EMAIL_TEMPLATES_DIR variable, the default template will be used.

Available variables for the inviteExistingUserTemplate.hbs and inviteNewUserTemplate.hbs templates:

  • {{workspaceName}}: The name of the store
  • {{inviteUrl}}: The URL where the user can accept the invitation
  • {{oneTimePassword}}: The one-time password that the user can use to accept the invitation (only available in the inviteNewUserTemplate.hbs template)

An example of the inviteExistingUserTemplate.hbs template:

<p>Welcome to Goodtok</p>
<p>To accept the invitation, please click the following link:
<a href="{{inviteUrl}}">{{inviteUrl}}</a>

An example of the inviteNewUserTemplate.hbs template:

<p>Welcome to Goodtok</p>
<p>Your one-time password is: <b>{{oneTimePassword}}</b></p>
<p>You can use it at the following URL:
<a href="{{inviteUrl}}">{{inviteUrl}}</a></p>