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In the website where you want to integrate Goodtok, you will need to add the following script tag:

<!-- Goodtok video client -->
<!-- Goodtok video client end -->

Were the key is a base64 encoded value containing the Workspace GTID and server of your Goodtok instance. You can generate this value by running the following command:

Use the following command to generate the key:

echo -n '{"gtid":"g-7b7c46fb05","server":"http://localhost:6789/v1"}' | base64

The gtid property corresponds to the Workspace id in the Goodtok dashboard.

If no server is specified, the client will default to

When no customer token is provided, the video widget will show a form, requesting the user to enter their name, email and a message. The video widget will then request an anonymous token from the server. When possible we recommend you to provide a customer token to the video widget to avoid the form.

To learn more about customer tokens, see the customer tokens section.